
Welcome to the future of translational and early clinical development.
Scientifically driven with access to multiple centres of excellence.
Customisable full service underpinned by the highest quality clinical conduct.
World-leading patient and healthy volunteer recruitment capabilities.
Delivering the best value solution for early clinical development.
The German Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine (DGPharMed) holds an annual congress as a forum to discuss latest developments in the fields of clinical development as well as pharmacovigilance and current regulatory thinking with regard to pharmaceuticals and medical devices. This year's event will take place in Berlin from March 12 to March 13.
The congress offers a tightly packed scientific programme and we are particularly excited to announce that our Medical Director Dr. Maximilian Posch will host a round table discussion on "Clinical trials united: Industry, CRO and academia" on March 12 at 3.30pm. We would be very happy to meet up at the event. Please feel free to use this website's contact form if you would like to set up a meeting in advance.
Get in touch with our Business Development Team to find out how Charité Research Organisation can deliver optimal value for your early clinical research projects and help you reach Proof of Concept faster.
Patienten und Probanden erreichen uns unter (030) 450 539 210.
Please feel free to discuss your early clinical trials with us. Your message will be received attentively by our business development team. We come back to you with feedback from our clinicians and project management experts....
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