
Welcome to the future of translational and early clinical development.
Scientifically driven with access to multiple centres of excellence.
Customisable full service underpinned by the highest quality clinical conduct.
World-leading patient and healthy volunteer recruitment capabilities.
Delivering the best value solution for early clinical development.
I should be the first... !? At some point, a newly developed medicine must be given to a human for the first time. What happens during these first-time-in-human studies and how is the safety of the study participants best ensured? We highlight these and other aspects of developing a new medicine. Our medical director Dr. med. Maximilian Posch will explain the different perspectives in clinical trials in his presentation: "Challenges of Early Clinical Trials - Between Risk Minimisation and Scientific Method".
The International Day of Clinical Studies will take place in the Urania Berlin from 10:00 o'clock on 20.05.2019. Please stop by and collect information about the CRO and other organisations involved in clinical trials. Our short presentation will start at 13:00.
When: 20. Mai 2019 between 10am and 20pm
Where: Urania Berlin, An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin
The event is free and registration is not required. The program can be found here:
Get in touch with our Business Development Team to find out how Charité Research Organisation can deliver optimal value for your early clinical research projects and help you reach Proof of Concept faster.
Patienten und Probanden erreichen uns unter (030) 450 539 210.
Please feel free to discuss your early clinical trials with us. Your message will be received attentively by our business development team. We come back to you with feedback from our clinicians and project management experts....
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